All parcels from are shipped from Korea.
Shipping cost is calculated from Korea to the destination country.
Every order is normally shipped out within 48 hours from the time of receiving the order.
If a shipping delay occurs, we inform customers of the issue within 48 hours.
The return request must be made within 14 business days from the order received date.
Please contact us through the chatbot for request of the returns.
After you registered the return form to our email, we will check it is possible or not.
We respond to your return request, you have to send the package to the shipping company.
If you have a tracking number for the package, please let us know within 7 days by responding to our team.
Returned items must be in their original packaging and condition
(unopened, unused,unmarked and not disfigured)
Incomplete returns may be refused or disregarded.
*Ineligible products for exchanges or refunds
-Any item reported after 14 days over the date of delivery completion
-Any item that shows any signs of usage
-Any item that has been damaged intentionally
-Any item returned without any previous notice or in spite of the return request denied by our customer service.